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Adopting a Pet in South Korea | Cat Adoption in Korea

Adoption a pet in South Korea

It is something everyone and not just foreigners should take into consideration.
Homeless pets is always an issue in every country in the world, however in some countries it can be more of a serious situation then in others.

Korea tends to turn a blind eye to some cases of homeless animals especially in certain areas. But that doesn’t mean everywhere is the same. In Korea there are of course animal shelters to house homeless pets as well as pet adoption institutions. However as of recently, one of the biggest online resources for pet adoption has closed down. Not only that, but a major animal shelter is also closing its doors due to poor budgeting. Thus sending many cats and dogs into foster homes and others, unfortunately being “put down” due to age and sickness. Which is quite sad.

Fortunately, many foreigners and Korean families and individuals are taking up these homeless pets into foster care until someone is able to adopt them. Also if you are an EYK fan, you may notice they recently donated 10,000 worth of supplies to animal shelters. Helping out the shelters and animals who need it most.

So I figured now is a good time to help out the in the way I can and adopt a rescue kitten! Of course, I would love to help more, but my budget does not allow it. So I took in a furry little friend and gave him a good home with Kyle an I.

Adopting a pet in South Korea is easy and is a good thing to do. But be responsible and make sure it is in your budget and that you have a plan for your animal for when you decide to go home. The best choice is the make sure you are willing to bring the animal home with you when you plan to leave Korea.


Adopting a Pet in South Korea | Cat Adoption in Korea | BiiBiiBap BiiBiiBeauty

Adopting a Pet in South Korea | Cat Adoption in Korea | BiiBiiBap BiiBiiBeauty

Ways to help

There are tons of ways you can help if you are living in Korea. Volunteering at shelters (if you have that free time), Fostering animals, adopting, donating to local shelters and more. If you have already rescued an animal, be sure to get them “fixed” since the homeless kitten population is an issue in most countries, it is important to get your furry little friend fixed to prevent future homeless kittens if for some reason you lose you cat. *Please don’t lose your cat or put them on the streets…*

I will be getting my new little friend fixed ASAP just to be safe. Not only does this help control unwanted popular grown and homeless kittens, but also improved the overall health of your pet. For both cats and dogs.


Adopting a Pet in South Korea | Cat Adoption in Korea | BiiBiiBap BiiBiiBeauty



About Author

Hi! I am Bronwyn Papineau AKA BiiBiiBeauty & BiiBiiBap. Welcome to my area of the internet :3 I blog about my life and review the things I love while I travel. I am a beauty blogger & youtuber in Toronto Ontario Canada who lived in Seoul South Korea for 2 Years, Tokyo Japan for 1 year, and Melbourne Australia for 1 year. So, come with me on my beauty journey!


  • Paige Mckinnon
    December 16, 2014 at 3:31 am

    Ohh your kitty is the cutest! ^ 3 ^

  • Chie
    December 17, 2014 at 6:08 am

    awww….so cute! i am so sad to hear about the animal shelters shutting down. that is horrible news. i have such a weak spot for animals. thank you for saving a life! your kitty is lucky to have you! maybe another kitty for a buddy???? lol

    Chie | The Brown Eyed Fox

    • biibiibeauty
      December 17, 2014 at 6:15 am

      Ya it is sad news. We live in a 1 room Korean apt… so 2 humans plus 1 cat is already considered crowded haha! But it we move to a normal sized apartment then maybe! 😀


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