I know I have posted about birding before, you may find it to be a little boring looking but it honestly is so exciting and thrilling. Like I have said before this is not permitted to be done by anyone, you do need a permit to catch birds as well as the proper netting which you also need permission to use. Thankfully Kyle has all those things and was lucky enough to be allowed to bring the nets home for a weekend to show his family and friends what his job is all about this summer.
I will not go into detail about everything again because like I have said before, I have already blogged in fine detail about this! If you would like to see my first post on Birding and what it is all about please link back to HERE
This is just going to be a picture post for now! But basically kyle came down for birding this weekend and we all go to see some pretty nice looking birds up close and personal! I wasn’t expecting to be in pictures so I still had some major bed head going on >.<
First bird caught at my house was a Chickadee! |
Love how his tail feathers are slightly transparent ๐ |
He is pissed so his head feathers are all standing up hahaha. |
Now my turn to hold him. |
Kyle holding him ๐ |
One more of me holding him, Much better angle than the last photo of me ๐ |
Next we caught a Robin! This is kyle untangling him from the net. |
Now I get to hold him. |
Can my sister gets to hold him too ๐ |
The Robin was malting so he was shedding a lot of little feathers all over the ground. |
So I took pictures of the feathers hahaha! |
Now I get to hold the Robin yay! |
Next up we caught a lovely little Gold Finch! |
Me holing him while he spreads his wings trying to look big for me ๐ haha |
Look at how pretty he is ๐ |
Me holding him again. |
Once again, him trying to look all big and intimidating hahaha ! Silly guy, I am easily like 100x bigger than you! |
His wings are still trying to look big. |
Obviously he does not at all threaten me haha! Poor little guy! |
Next was a wood thrush! This species is on the edge of the endangered list. It is the species Kyle’s job is based off of. They try to find these birds and put geo locators on them to track where they go and such. To help better protect this threatened species. |
This one was a new one, was hatched not too long ago so Kyle was showing us how it is more vibrant in color and such ๐ Very pretty! |
Just look at that cuties face! hehe |
Kyle’s mom let him go free ๐ |
Now here is how you check to see if a robin is female or male! Kyle is blowing air onto its belly! The squishy purple flesh you see indicates it is a female robin! This is because that fleshy bit is what to female uses to keep her eggs warm ๐ It is called a brood patch. |
I also caught this handsome little tree frog! So cute he is ๐ |
And that is it! I think this will be my last post ever on birding! So no more birds! Sorry if this post bored you! It better have not! Hardly anyone gets this kind of experience or opportunity unless it is your line of work! So enjoy what you see here! hahahahaha!
Till the next post!
About Author
Hi! I am Bronwyn Papineau AKA BiiBiiBeauty & BiiBiiBap. Welcome to my area of the internet :3 I blog about my life and review the things I love while I travel. I am a beauty blogger & youtuber in Toronto Ontario Canada who lived in Seoul South Korea for 2 Years, Tokyo Japan for 1 year, and Melbourne Australia for 1 year. So, come with me on my beauty journey!
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