Hello my lovely’s and welcome to Healthy Beauty Talk Episode 3!!!
In this episode I will be talking about what easy greens you can incorporate into your daily diet to help maintain good health and weight.
If you normally don’t eat a lot of greens and vegetables it can be hard to adjust your diet to eating them regularly because your tastes aren’t used to the flavours, but these are a few staple greens that should already be in your diet even if they aren’t eaten daily.
Watch the episode bellow to learn what veggies and fruits I am referring to!
Okay! So how many of these foods do you already eat daily or not daily? They probably are in your diet already which makes it easy turning them into foods you eat daily! If you don’t eat these veggies ever, then that is still ok, but I do highly recommend that you start to incorporate them into your diet for your healths sake.
These veggies are very common veggies that usually make the scene in our western style dinners. The only thing you need to do is try to eat them all every day! This is a very easy intro into healthy food choices since these foods are all very common and easy to obtain at any grocery store.
The first Veggie I want you to focus on is eating spinach. Spinach is a very healthy dark green that is very easy to consume due to it having such a pleasant flavour! Spinach is fairly mild in taste and to me it has a small bit of a nutty flavour to it. I love spinach! No lies, I probably eat it twice a day because I love it so much! It is easy to add into any meal! I use it in almost all my cooking and as a salad and in my smoothies! It is rich in vitamins, minerals and even in fibre!

Another green that I like to add is peas. Are you a big fan of corn? I personally love corn and prefer it over peas any day because for some reason I just love corn to death! But I also know that compared to corn, peas are much healthier and more beneficial to my health! If I have to have corn in my meals, I always make sure to mix half corn and half peas. Why? because I want to make my veggies on my plate more beneficial to me! Now peas are no super food but they are beneficial with vitamins which are always important! So If you are going to have corn, have an equal portion of peas as well. ๐

Here is a childhood favourite! (just kidding) Broccoli is a majorly important green that you need to start to love today! Broccoli is a super food that is loaded with everything that is good for you! It is high in vitamins, minerals such a calcium, iron and high in fibre! If you can have broccoli every day then I swear in no time at all you will be feeling more healthier and have more energy! I know we all hated broccoli as kids but we are older now and it is time to learn to love it!

Moving onto the fruits! Now I didn’t talk much about fruits in the video because I wanted it to more so be focused on introducing yourself to healthier eating rather then slamming large amounts of different fruits and veggies down your throat and hoping you remember to eat them always. I know from experience that switching to a healthy diet is tough especially remembering what you should and shouldn’t eat when you don’t have much knowledge! So the videos main fruit was Blueberries! These little guys are extremely good for you. They are once again another super food and one that you highly need to consider trying to eat daily. These little blue guys are rich in vitamins, fibre and even more so in antioxidants! Antioxidants are the main super start here that I want you to remember because like I said in the video, they slow down the aging process and fight against cancer cause free radicals! So please eat blueberries daily!

Another berry that is very similar are raspberries! These little guys are also very rich in vitamins, fibre and antioxidants. Although they are not as powerful as blueberries, they still are at the top for some of the best fruits you can be eating. And they are very commonly loved by people and very tasty and easy to incorporate in your diet! ๐
That is it for todays healthy beauty talk episode! I know the blog post for this episode was fairly long, I am sorry but I felt it was very important that I was a little more clear on why I wanted you to eat all these regularly. I couldn’t talk too much about each food in the video because it would have made the video much too long. So If you watched the video and read all this then I am super happy you on interested and on the right track to a healthier more beautiful you! ๐
Thank you for checking in this week! Make sure you check in next Tuesday for next weeks Healthy Beauty Talk episode! xoxo
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