Hey loves! So I know all us bloggers that love to take self portraits desire a lovely flattering ring light but since we are bloggers, it is easy to know we all are mostly poor and don’t have the money to just go and drop $300 on a ring light ๐ That price is a little ridiculous for a circular light bulb haha!
I looked around the Internet inconsistently for a good year trying to find cheap and affordable ring lights or even alternatives but could never seem to find any good ones. Until the clever light bulb hit me and I realized there has to be a way I can make my own! So I did more and more research but once again could only find those stupid little ones you can put on your camera lens. But I wanted more then just the ring effect in my eye. I wanted something that would actually provide the lighting I needed! Especially since I have a room with poor natural daylight and bad lights. I also have red walls which makes everything worse and my camera isn’t the greatest for portraits because the lens is bubbled…… So I wanted a light that could help make my photos all around more flattering. I needed a big ring light. Not some cheap little homemade toy one. I needed the real deal without the crazy price of $300!
After a while of researching I found some promising tips, the ideas were good but the concept was to intricate. Requiring wood work and such was too much for a girl like me ๐
Then I found some super cheap ideas! Make your own ring light with wreath wire and christmas lights! PERFECT! The only item I didn’t have was wreath wire which is super cheap at craft stores! All I needed to do was go spend a couple dollars on wreath wire and that was it! I already owned plenty of christmas lights!
So I went home and told my dad what I was going to do and of course he had to make it a little more difficult then it should have been. He didn’t want me to spend any of my money at all so he brought out a copper tube, we bent it into a circle and welded it together. I then went on to wrap the christmas lights around and around!
I will give you a quick guide on how to make yours!
You think simple christmas light and the idea that I literally spent $0 is far fetched but I get pretty amazing quality from it for everything being more or less free! The only thing thing that cuts the quality is my not so flattering bubble camera! hahahaha!
So if you want to make your own ring light for free then here are the items you will need!
- Copper tubing OR wreath wire
- 2 strands of white outdoor LED lights
- 1 strand of plain outdoor christmas lights
If you choose the copper tube way because you just so happen to have one and the right tools for one then here is what you will need:
For copper tube, have a proper bending tool like that weird spring coil thing, or just be tough and use your own hands to bend it. It is super malleable so bending it with your hands is quite easy. You will also need a soldering tool so attache the two ends of your homemade circle together OR be extra cheap and duck tape it together! ๐ And that is it! My dad of course had to make my little project more fun and manly so he made us solder it together hahahah.
If you choose the easy way and get the wreath wire then great if you had one or got one at your local craft store. All you will have to do is immediately start wrapping you lights. Since you use a wire I suggest you only use one strand of LED lights instead of two and the one strand of normal lights, since you don’t want it to be too heavy that your wire can’t support it.
Now your ready to add your lights! Start wrapping your lights around and around and around, making sure every light bulb is facing in the same direction so your lights are always facing you or your subject! This part will take you a while but it is well worth it. Keep wrapping until you all your lights are well spaced. Make sure your have a little room in between the light bulbs so you can add your regular bulbs after your LED rounds.
Once all your desired LED lights are wrapped you can tape them in place if you feel the need to. You now can start adding you final strand of regular bulbs.
*Your adding regular bulbs because LED lights on their own can give off a very cold light. Effective but very cold looking. Adding regular non LED bulbs will add a hint of warmth to equal out all that cool light. Some fancy photographers may be like “blah blah blah just adjust your camera white balances” but who honestly wants to have to fiddle around with your settings every time you want to use your ring light. Plus not everyone owns a good quality camera that always allows you to adjust your white balances. So it is easier in the long run to go that little extra mile and add those few lights to even out the light your ring light gives off ๐ *
Once your done make sure all your light bulbs are secure, in place and well facing the same direction! I would hope you also made sure your plugs are in the right order so you can plug in your light! Before you do any taping if you decide to, also make sure you have some extra wire for slack or a extension cord so your ring light can move around a little and not always be stuck right up against the wall so it can be plugged in! ๐
Judging by whether you used a copper tube or wire, your ring light could have a little weight to it or not. You may want to have a tripod with a clamp to you can have your light set up any way you want (you would have to do this with a bought ring light as well). Or you can be cheap and use chairs, brooms and other make shift items to hold your ring light and camera! ๐ I for one am still using make shift tripod type things to support my light and set up because I am too cheap to invest in a tripod ๐ But I do have a clamp and broom! hahahaha!
Although I will buy a tripod soon because I more or less need one for my camera and such. If you are building this ring light you probably already own one or like me, am planning on getting one.
NOW! Your finished project should look something light this!

As you can see all the light bulbs are facing in the same direction towards the subject. Since I used copper tubing I also used 2 strands of LED and one of Regular lights. This give a heavier weight since I used an extra strand plus the copper instead of wire. Since my bedroom is dark red I still find if it isn’t a well lit day my photos do come out with a warm dulled down tone but the lighting is better when it is a sunny day and not dark and rainy! ๐ The lighting it 20x better then just relying on sun and crappy window like mixed with horrible red walls ๐ I plan to cover my red walls soon with wall paper hopefully but for now I only have one accent wall with wallpaper ๐ When I am in front of my accent wall I immediately get better light Thanks to now dark red wall hahaha!
I hope this tutorial was helpful to anyone of you out there who wants a ring light but can’t afford the crazy prices! ๐
Have fun with it and good luck!
Here is my cheap filming and photo taking set up since I don’t have a tripod yet hahaha! Ring light supported on my bed with an upside down stool with my vanity mirror in the background so I can see what I am filming. My camera is also supported on tissue boxes because I only own a mini tripod hahaha! So cheap ๐ But hey! It works! A little bit of a hassel without the tripod but still very creative ๐
*NOTE! Some fancy photographer people might try to bring you down about your cleverness of your ring light by saying something about just making the one for your lens (which is defeating the whole purpose for good lighting) or something about the kind of effect the christmas lights give in the eye. But from my experience with using my ring light, I actually love the effect the individual light bulbs give! Rather then a solid ring, you get a awesome close up effect that looks even more beautiful in the eyes! If makes your eyes look even more sparkly than just a solid circle of light! You get the bring circle in the eye plus a sparkling almost anime effect! If anyone tries to chirp your light it is only because they are jealous photographers that paid tons of money for a ring light when they could have made a homemade one for under $20 or even for $0!!*

*Just look at that super glittery eye effect! Although it is not a full circle because my hands and camera are blocking out parks of it (because I didn’t use my mini tripod) You still see how pretty it is even when partially blocked out ๐ The focus is also off because my camera isn’t the greatest haha*
You can also see the quality off the ring light in my last blog post in my hair tutorial video bellow. I used the ring light for lighting in filming and it worked amazing! Once again I only have a cheap little camcorder so that makes the image quality lame but you still get to see the lighting quality and the effect you get in your eyes ๐ You also can see the quality in my two blog posts after that because all photos were taken with my ring light as well as my blog header image was all ring light photos! ๐
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