Bar / Hair

Nashville Bar 26/05/12

Hello everyone today Iโ€™m  gonna share with you my first visit to a bar/club called Nashville in town near to my home town. I joined a huge group of girls on this outing which I havenโ€™t done in quite a long time because I usually go out with Kyle and his guy friends so this was very nice for a change ๐Ÿ™‚

This bar is a country bar, not really my scene but I think I did well to blend in with the country crowd. Other then my hair style hahaha! Doesnโ€™t really match country style ๐Ÿ˜› The night started off first with us waiting 2 hour for the line dancing to be over. We arrived at the bar at 10pm and waited till 12am when regular dancing is allowed!!! I didnโ€™t have much money so I only could get 1 drink while waiting sooo long! Your buzz really gets ruined when you have to sit around and wait to be able to start having fun ๐Ÿ˜› But I guess thats what you get when you go on absolute country night! >.<

12am finally came around and we all moved onto the dance floor but I could only tolerate an hour of dancing because we were dancing mainly to country music only!!! I didnโ€™t know a single song so it was hard to have a solid blast. Occasionally they would play a club song and Iโ€™d like to dance to it but all the other girls would get upset and grumpy!!! Hey at least I danced to their country music that I didnโ€™t even know lah! Iโ€™m a good person.

It was nice though since we were in a huge group of girls it was a lot easier to keep guys away and block them out of trying to dance with anyone ๐Ÿ™‚ Although because our one friend is a bleach blonde, she was being hunted down all night! >.< Super annoying because she didnโ€™t know how to get them away from her and no one else would help out and would just turn away! I was like some friends you guys are! The poor girl clearly doesnโ€™t want to be bothered! So me being the nice person I am had to cut in and tell the guys to fuck off and that she clearly isnโ€™t interested! Then they would try going at me so I had to be an extremely gross person and make un-lady like gestures at them to scare them off! She was super thankful that I helped her out. I had to do stuff like that about 4 times that night >.< how annoying! I only had to tell people to leave me alone about twice around the end of the night, as per usual boy only like the blonde ones haha! Classic! At least Kyle loves me no matter how my hair is!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ <3 yay! But I have been trying very hard not to put in blonde highlights for 2 months now but it is soooo tempting!

After an hour and a half of dancing when I was super tired of it and we all were sweaty , we went outside on the patio to cool off. Of course that is when the photographer at the bar decides it is a good time to take pictures of all of us! GREATTTT of course when we look sweaty!

Almost all us girls, two are missing ๐Ÿ˜›
The girl I ended up keeping guys away from most of the night >.<

 Once more her and I, those were all the pics taken by the camera guy. ๐Ÿ˜› I donโ€™t bring my camera to bars or clubs because my camera takes gross pictures of people, likeโ€ฆ.. it makes people look very bad. You know? I have had many cameras in the past and the one I have no jus makes people look super bad, and is overall unflattering. It is only good for taking pictures of objects and landscape. No matter how many different settings and manual options I go through it just overall no matter what makes people look bad ๐Ÿ˜› Even my photographer friend fiddled around with it and agreed it takes horrible pictures of people ๐Ÿ˜› Very unflattering. 
The night overall was good until the end. Half the girls got super drunk and ended up trying to ditch 3 of us at the club! Including my sister and I plus one other! Very sneaky and low to do that. We were all supposed to cab home but one of them decided to find a free ride for only 5 of them and not tell the other 3 of us that they were leaving without us. Yet the three of us only had enough money to pitch for a cab. So the 3 of us would have been abandoned there with not enough money to get home. While on top of that my phone some how managed to die and my the other one of us had no phone at all. So I borrowed someone elseโ€™s phone and had to wake my dad up at 2:30 am asking him to drive 2 towns over to pick the rest of us up :S I felt so bad! And the worst part is that at 1am I wanted to go home but waited till 2:30am because I thought we were all cabbing homeโ€ฆโ€ฆ So if those girls would have told us in advance they got a different ride and the rest of us would have to find our own rides. I would have been able to call my dad earlier or arrange something else! Silly drunk girls. This whole situation reminded me of why I only go out with Kyle and his guy friends. Because they are much more responsible and follow through with the plan and always try to make sure everyone manages to get home safe or has a way home if plans change.  ๐Ÿ˜› So the night ended rough and I was super angry. But overall it was good and I enjoyed the bar. If everything went as planned I would have been very happy about it. 
Oh well, large groups of girls are always sketchy for making plans with and commonly unreliable.

Next time I will have a plan B ๐Ÿ˜›

About Author

Hi! I am Bronwyn Papineau AKA BiiBiiBeauty & BiiBiiBap. Welcome to my area of the internet :3 I blog about my life and review the things I love while I travel. I am a beauty blogger & youtuber in Toronto Ontario Canada who lived in Seoul South Korea for 2 Years, Tokyo Japan for 1 year, and Melbourne Australia for 1 year. So, come with me on my beauty journey!


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