What I bought from Osaka Japan
So there actually is a long story behind my shopping in Osaka Japan and a reason as to why I was unable to buy girly stuff while I was there.
So here is the back story
Basically, I went to Japan with Kyle and his Korean football team because they were playing against the Japanese team in Osaka. Not many people on his team speak English so we were left out of the look on what was going on and where we needed to be majority of the time. When we arrived at the airport in Osaka Japan, we had no idea where we needed to be and what was going on. We had to follow what ever people we recognized from the team. This lead to us completely forgetting to exchange our currency to Japanese Yen. We didn’t realize this until we had already left the airport, I thought this was not a big deal, I could just find an atm and take out money. This is something I do in Korea all the time even with my Foreign cards. Since I had no money I missed out on shopping in Dotonburi with the group of girls I was with. I figured it would be okay, I will just go find an atm, take out money and go shopping later with Kyle. I went on my atm hunt and was declined at every atm. I tried all my cards and none of them worked. I went to multiple atms trying with zero luck. I called it quits, went back to the hotel and did some google searching only to find out that last year, Japanese atms stopped accepting foreign cards at atms. The only way you could now take out cash with a foreign card was if you went to a post office atm or a citi bank. Since it was a Saturday evening, all post offices were closed. The only citi bank was in Dotonburi which I would need to take a taxi to but I had no cash… Fortunately! Later that night some of Kyles friend floated us a loan to take a cab with them to go to the citi bank and take out money. They had the same card issue the day before and had to find the citi bank.
So it turned out my only chance to do girl shopping was that day with the girls. But I missed out because I had no money. The rest of the weekend was dedicated to football games and dinners with the team.
But Kyle and I did do some very rushed souvenir shopping at the Osaka airport on our way back to Korea.
These are the items we bought as souvenirs from Osaka Japan

Japanese kimmidoll Yukimo *My pick*
You can easily buy these back in Canada at certains stores but I never did because I felt lame about buying a Japanese item not from Japan. I unno… I thought something like that should be either ordered or purchased in Japan to remember Japan by ๐
Don’t want to read? Watch the video instead!
Have you ever been shopping in Japan? And did you have issues with Japanese ATM’s like I did?
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