*Sorry in advance for lame photo quality. Photos were taken back when my camera was in repairs and had to use my old camera.*
Hey! So I went to Pacific Mall with Kyle around 3-4 weeks ago and we bought quite a few things that I want to show you all! I had time to try them all out so you will also get a mini review for every product yay! ๐

First I bought this cooling unit for my laptop! Since my MacBook is almost 5 years old as you can imagine it has started to run into some issues. Number 1 being overheating. My Mac was running almost 5 years old with only 2 GB RAM and an 150 GB HD… As you can imagine, 5 years down the road those kind of specs aren’t going to cut it anymore. With all my program updates and upgrades, it just couldn’t even handle running IMovie anymore. which is sad. So as a temporary fix, I bought this baby for only $24! Kyle has the model up from mine that he also bought it at Pacific Mall a year before me. It is the best cooling unit he has ever bought and he has gone through multiple cooling units that cost more and weren’t nearly as nice or effective. My cooling unit sure did help me out. But , if you follow me on twitter
http://twitter.com/biibiibeauty you would know that this past week I finally upgraded my computer! I ordered 8 GB of RAM and a 1TB HD online and installed it myself! Along with that when I opened up my MacBook I also cleaned it out! Vacuumed out all the dust and hair and cleaned the fan, as well as upgrade all my software so everything is fully up to date since my Mac can handle it now! I did this all for the price of $189 ๐ So much cheaper then buying a brand new Mac or PC laptop ๐ I am so clever! My laptop runs better then the day I bought it ๐ So Editing movies and photos is a breeze and not as time consuming due to major lag and overheating ๐ I still use my cooling unit as a support and also use it when editing videos to make sure my Mac stays a good heat while editing ๐
OK! Other then my laptop I also bought a bunch of skin care products.
*Sorry for photo quality*
I went to Holika Holika Canada in PMall and got these lovely little face masks and pore masks. Kyle and I wanted to go into the Holika Holika and see for ourselves how the customer service was after seeing SparklingPlayGround and ThisWasForEver’s blog posts about their incident with the way the owner treated them as bloggers. I also heard from comments on their posts that the customer service there was horrible. I wanted to judge that for myself and I am going to be honest, the customer service was FINE! I went once before when they first opened and the service wasn’t very good but I took into consideration that they just opened and the tiny store was packed with girls all wanting to try stuff. it was quite hectic. This time it was mid day on a Monday and it was just Kyle and myself in there with 2 store girls. As soon as we walked in we were greeted with smiles and instantly assisted. The one girl was even helpful in letting Kyle try anything he wanted! Kyle had 3 different face creams on plus a lip chap by the time we left! haha! He was the real judge of their service. Kyle helped himself to collagen masks, snail cream moisturizer, after shave and their lip products. They educated us on each product he wanted to try and helped us pick out face masks and pore strips.
With that I chose the Cucumber Mask for myself and Kyle chose the men’s sheet mask for shiny skin. We also bough a pack of Holika Holikas Pig-Nose pore strips for us to use.
To anyone who is flustered about SparklingPlayGround and ThisWasForEver’s posts, I would not personally let that effect your choice in going. And if you went when they were ever busy. You need to consider how many other customers are in the store along with yourself before you jump to conclusions and saying they have horrible service. If you have ever worked in retail before you should know when you are busy everything goes by fast and feels like a blur and you feel totally overwhelmed trying to help as many people as you can as an employee ๐ Yes it is unfortunate the owner made such a huge mistake with those 2 well known bloggers but I guarantee she has learned a very important lesson and will most likely never do that again. ๐
My second experience in Holika Holika Canada was amazing. They were extremely friendly and helpful, let Kyle take advantage of testers and even gave us a free sample each for both of us to try with our purchases. ๐ They were great!
The first product we got from Holika Holika Canada was the Pig-Nose black head pore strips.
I have used this product 3 times since I have bought it and I must be honest. It is not the best. Sorry Holika Holika. If I was to compare it to Biore’s pore strips, Biore stomps all over this product.
Why I don’t like it?
The strip doesn’t stick very well! I have given it 3 tries for this reason. I thought the first time it was because my nose was still moist after my shower, the next time I thought there was still oil on my nose, and the next time I just agreed it just doesn’t stick well. It only sticks to the flattest areas of your nose and as a nose, there aren’t that many flat areas. Unless you have a very very flat wide nose, I don’t see how this pore strip can work for anyone.
Along with that, it also is too stiff. You can’t fit it to your nose shape very well. Which doesn’t help that it doesn’t want to stick to your skin. ๐
Overall the end result… there is more or less no end result. It doesn’t pull out many blackheads at all and if it does, it is only a few.
I really do hate to have to give such a world renowned brand such a horrible review but I have to be honest! ๐ I get better results removing black heads by washing my face with a wash cloth! This is one product I would never buy again and will not recommend to anyone. I suggest you stick to Biore’s Pore strips. They are the best for a reason ๐ Sorry Holika Holika!
Next up is Kyles oil control face mask!
Kyle was excited to use his first sheet mask ever! So I made him lay down and put it on. We left it on for 30 minutes and the after results were very nice! Not only did it help with his oil for the day but it also had a moisturizing effect! Which is shocking for a product that is supposed to control oil ๐
Now of course there were no long term results, but it did have results for the rest of the day ๐
It left his skin feeling very soft and supple while keeping his face shine free for the rest of the day!
A very lovely sheet mask for men.
Next is my cucumber sheet mask ๐
Holika Holika pulled through again with this sheet mask! It was amazing, just great! Along with that it was one of their least expensive masks there. I can’t remember the price just I know it was under $3. I got the cucumber one for its soothing properties. Since I tan because of my work I like to use products that have calming and cooling effects on the skin as well as some anti aging effects. I left this mask on my face for well over the recommend time.

I left it on for about 1 full hour. I did this because I wanted to get the most of out it! I noticed with both the Holika Holika sheet masks that they were extremely moist! More moist then any North American brand I have ever tried! The moisture content and amount of product you got in them was way more then I expected to get from something so extremely affordable. Even after 1 hour on my face the mask still had some moisture left to it. I could still squeeze a drop or 2 out of it!! AMAZING! My skin was amazing for 3 days after ๐ My skin felt smooth, supple, bright and very moisturized ๐ This is a sheet mask I would love to use again that is for sure! You definitely get your moneys worth with this one.

Now Kyle and I got these little samples to try! Both are very different as well. With me I tend to get about 4-5 uses out of a sample size product. With the Water March Moisture Full Cream I got about 4 uses. It is a very rich moisturizer that I would say is good for night time if you tend to have oilier skin and if you have combination skin is good if you put in on only the dry areas day or night. For me I have combination skin and I used it at night all over and during the day in targeted areas. This solved my dry spots in 2 uses. Since it is winter my dry spots can be a little persistent. I used it at night all over then during the day in targeted spots. It was amazing. I would love to pick up this product to have it as a rescue cream! I personally would be worried to over use this product because I have sensitive skin and over moisturizing can break me out huge or using too much of a product that contains fragrance can sometimes break me out. I had no known breakouts from this cream so I think I will consider getting it ๐

Next is the Honey Sleeping pack! I like the consider this one an intensive moisturizer! It seriously has a similar texture to honey only not as sticky. This one is nice and gentle on the skin but also extremely moisturizing. I would only use this is if you have very dry skin. I still have this sample to use up! Since I don’t often have extremely dry skin I have only used this one 5 times in targeted areas. This is an amazing moisturizer. I would definitely only use this at night as a night cream. More or less like the package states ๐ “Sleeping Pack”. It is a very thick and rich product that works like an intensive moisture rescue night cream ๐ I love it! But since I don’t have major dry skin issues this isn’t really a product for me ๐ But I love how it has a similar texture as honey. Lets you know the honey really is in there and a good amount of it ๐
After Holika Holika Kyle and I went after The Face Shop! This is another well known Korean beauty shop. This was the first time I had ever been in it. It is the first Canadian location and it opened up in Pacific Mall not too long ago ๐ Kyle being Kyle had to try any product he liked haha! He put about 2 more facial product on himself again ๐ He used a Chia seed cream and also something that had a amazing men’s fragrance! I tried on a nail polish which I loved and bought for only $2 ๐ We spent a good amount of time in The Face Shop. There were so many products I wanted once again but I had to hold myself back since I didn’t have much money.
I did get a couple products though ๐
I got another blackhead pore product for Kyle to try. This one is a 2 step process. It isn’t like usual pore strips. Instead it is a strip that loosens the blackheads in your skin then the next strip cleans the inside pore that previously got cleared out. Kyle has stubborn blackheads so we got this one for him. Unfortunately it didn’t work too well on him ๐ I feel this product would work very well on someone who has very prominent blackheads that reoccur on a weekly basis. This wasn’t the product for Kyle.
The girl working at the shop who was helping us noticed how much I wanted to try an acne line but they were all sold out. So she found me a sample of them to try! As well as a product that Kyle was super interested in, the Chia Seed Moisturizer ๐
The Acne treatment line sample came with moisturizer and a toner. I tried both and they seemed like 2 great products that would work amazingly. Unfortunately a sample size isn’t enough to notice any results but I would love to buy it in the future to see how it works in the long run ๐
The Chia Seed moisturizer was very nice! I got about 3 uses out of it! It is a nice refreshing light weight moisturizer which is perfect to use during the day ๐ Another product I loved!
What is with all Asian facial creams being so good?! I liked every single one so much! I felt so overwhelmed!
I figured I would pick up a couple false lashes since all my old falsies are no good anymore ๐
As you can see I got 2 new pairs both with a criss-cross effect. I like lashes that a more on the natural looking side.
I got just a cheap brand because I had already spent enough on face products ๐ I love the design of these two lashes but I feel the band is too thick. I like a thinner band better. The band on these ones can be a little uncomfortable on the inner eyelid. But I still like them ๐
It was quite the successful trip to Pacific Mall. This is the first time I have gone there and bought only beauty products. Usually I get cloths there or some crazy case for my cell phone but this time we just invaded beauty shops ๐
It has been about a month since and I already want to go back very badly and get some more stuff! I honestly love Pacific Mall. I just wish it was a little closer and didn’t require as much driving to get there. I wish I could speak Mandarine so I could work there! Holika Holika and The Face Shop are two places I would be such an amazing employee at! >.<
It is my goal to own an Asian cosmetics store / Hair Salon ๐ There aren’t enough Asian cosmetic stores in Ontario. There really are none. It is a real shame.
Well This was a very long post! I hope you enjoyed my mini reviews and seeing all the products!
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