Award / Liebster

The Liebster Award! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

I have been tagged for the Liebster Award yay! Onigiri Gyaru was kind enough to award me with this wonderful tag! Lucky me now I get to do the fun little set of questions and pick out 11 others that I think deserve this award too! This will be hard to do though because I am not sure if I follow many bloggers with less then 200 followers >.< Darn! 

Okay time for the fun rules! ( ̄ー ̄) blah! rules rules rules 😛

The Rules:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the   people you’ve tagged to answer.
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember no tag backs!

My Eleven Questions Answered:

1. Who is your No.1 favorite blogger?
Cheesie!I love her post’s. They are always so entertaining and always full of the things I love to see the most. Hair, fashion, nails, makeup and of course my all time favorite, her travel’s to Japan! She is my role model in every sense in everything she does. She is in a nut shell, who I am and who I want to be when I am her age. She has literally achieved every one of my dream goals! I could go on and on about why she is my favorite but I’ll stop here 🙂

2. A world without chocolate or a world without ice cream?
Ice cream, I am lactose intolerant so I hardly ever eat it to begin with. To be honest. I don’t eat sweets often at all so either will do without! 😛 

3. What is your dream vacation?
JAPAN! I want to be there, I want to be part of their culture. I have been in love with the Japanese culture and life style since I just a child and realized the Japanese made Sailor Moon <3 Ever since then my love for Japan has grown and grown even larger. It would be my life dream come true the day I get to travel there or even live there! But first I must learn the language of course!

4. What anime/manga character do you feel related to the most?
I have known of plenty in the past that I used to consider similar to me, but as I have grown older my personality changed so it is really hard to say which but if I were to take a guess from latest shows I would consider me to be similar to Yuki from Vampire knight, Odehime from Bleach and Haruto from Fruit basket. There are probably better ones that are closer but those are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head 😛

5. Do you have a certain ‘quote’ you use often? If so, what?
I don’t know about quote but I have phrases I use commonly on a daily basis such as “man”, “no”, “whatever” and “sorryyyyyy”. hahaha! I always tend to say “no” instantly whenever someone asks something of me hahaha I say it without even thinking of what it was I was just asked haha. I say “sorry” a lot because I tend to make mistakes and commonly misunderstand or hear people 😛 because I have such a short attention span lol! I say “whatever” a lot because it’s sort of my go to “I don’t care” phrase when deciding things or when I am feeling grumpy which is often apparently! hahaha!

6. Who is your No. 1 idol/(style)icon?
CHEESIE! Once again she is my idol in every thing. Literally.

7. What is your skin care routine?
  • Cleanse in the morning with a acne prone skin cleanser
  • moisturize with a all natural antiseptic cream to protect my skin from anything nasty
  • occasionally apply anti wrinkle serum or other intensive moisture and vitamin enriched creams (usually at night).
  • Once or twice a week wash and cleanse with a face cloth or facial brush to help remove dead skin cells that could form acne causing bacteria.
  • Once every 2 weeks to a month, use my microdermabrasion tool to help deep clean my skin and fight and prevent acne while also fading scars and fighting the aging process!
That is all 🙂 It isn’t too crazy with products, Just a couple really good ones with the right tools and techniques for my skin 🙂

8. Is there a sport you ever want to try? If so, why?
YES! I have always wanted to be a ribbon dancer for gymnastics as well as figure skating. As a kid, my family was too poor to put my sister and I into sports. So I never had the opportunity to join any type of sports teams or lessons in anything 🙁 Which is unfortunate because those are key things that help develop confidence and a strong personality! Which I kind of lack in 😛 But other things have worked once I was no longer a child such as part time jobs.
(I did do volleyball in grade school once though, thats because it was free)

9. What is the cutest thing ever?
Small fluffy animals. Like rabbits! Or meerkats! 

10. Your favorite make-up brand?
Bobbi Brown and Mac. Higher end but very good. Other then those I do prefer most Japanese or Korean affordable brands! BH is good too. 

11. Your favorite non-ebay webshop?
I don’t really shop inline often but when I do I like and

The Referrals!

Here are my choices for the bloggers I follow that I feel are worthy and deserve this award! I am going to break the one rule to this award and not hand this out to 11 bloggers. I believe it should go towards bloggers that actually deserve it. Bloggers that Blog regularly (or at least once or twice a month). That have thorough posts that have heart put into them and not just a paragraph or one random picture. Bloggers that in time will make it far if they stay into it and will always provide enjoyable post! 😀 I congratulate the following bloggers and I hope they will enjoy this award as much as I did! 😀

Your Questions:

  1. What is your top life goal?
  2. Who is your all time favorite blogger?
  3. Who inspires you the most?
  4. Where is your top place you want to travel to?
  5. What is your favorite, must have cosmetic
  6. What is your favorite circle lens or eye color?
  7. Straight, Curled or Wavy hair?
  8. Long hair or medium length?
  9. Dark smokey eye, or natural contoured eye?
  10. Bright, dark or neutral lip color?
  11. What is your everyday makeup routine in a nutshell?
About Author

Hi! I am Bronwyn Papineau AKA BiiBiiBeauty & BiiBiiBap. Welcome to my area of the internet :3 I blog about my life and review the things I love while I travel. I am a beauty blogger & youtuber in Toronto Ontario Canada who lived in Seoul South Korea for 2 Years, Tokyo Japan for 1 year, and Melbourne Australia for 1 year. So, come with me on my beauty journey!

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